
Injection Javascript with innerHTML

When you create 'javascript' dynamically in IE, you need to work with HTMLDom Element.
This is the way simple way to insert 'Javascript' in IE, using [element].innerHTML.

According to MSDN, there is the attribute 'defer' for Script Element supporting inline script available when element inserted. By the way there is a small problem, IE recognizes script element as source for innerHTML only after Text element.

This is the example.

var container = document.getElementById("id");
var resultDocument = "<script defer='true' >.......</script>";
var dummyTag="<div style='display:none;position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;'> </div>";
container.innerHTML = dummyTag+resultDocument;

This works for only inline script, if you want to insert script source, create script element and insert into 'Head  Element'

Enjoy 'javascript' ~~~~

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